Making My Friend's Shower Interesting

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Making My Friend's Shower Interesting

Anyone can plan a baby shower, but making that baby shower interesting and fun is another challenge altogether. I didn't used to worry too much about creating events that really caught people's attention, but after I started focusing on event planning, it became clear to me that I had some work to do. I found a great company that offered rental items, and they came to my aid to make things better. It was really neat to explore the things they could help with, and I found myself renting things that would be real party pleasers. Check out this post for tips on making baby showers interesting.


What Type Of Wedding Suits Your Personality As A Couple?

27 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Most couples will want every aspect of their wedding to be representative of their personality and beliefs. However, this is easier said than done. There are many different types of wedding rentals to choose from and each wedding can also be customized in a number of ways. As a result, making certain decisions about the overall theme of the wedding can be challenging. However, you can reduce a lot of this difficulty by choosing the right venue for your wedding. Read More …

Why Have A Professional Video Created To Commemorate Your Event?

26 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you have an event, whether it's a wedding, a birthday, or something work-related, there's the usual debate over whether you should hire a professional videographer or whether you should just rely on your new smartphone to capture the moment for you. Many people choose to handle the video for such events on their own, and the result is often disappointing. Professional video services provide customers with more than just a video recording of their event. Read More …

Are You Planning Your Daughter’s Spring Wedding at Your Home?

25 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Have you heard that it takes an entire year to plan a wedding? Well, that could be true, but it doesn't have to be true, does it? Even though spring is only a few short months away, you can still plan a wedding and a wedding reception that your daughter and her fiancĂ© will remember for the rest of their lives. Will you be having the wedding event at your own home? Read More …

Organizing Your First Corporate Event: 10 Ways To Rise To The Occasion Like The Superstar You Are

25 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

At many companies, corporate events aren't covered by any specific department because they're not a regular occurrence. That means employees likely take turns taking care of these important functions, and when your name comes up, you want to really rise to the occasion, even if you've never organized a major gathering before and even if you'd rather someone else handle such things. It's your responsibility to plan, prepare, and perpetrate an outstanding time for all and you can do it, with the right attitude, a good plan and a few helpers. Read More …

Hosting A Milestone Birthday Party? 3 Features To Seek Out With An Event Center

24 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Celebrating milestone birthdays can be a fantastic way to honor a friend or family member as they get older, but planning an event of this scale can require a bit more planning than a regular birthday party. Instead of planning a birthday party at home or a local park, it's a good idea to look into renting out a private events venue so that you're able to make the party grander. Read More …