
About Me
Making My Friend's Shower Interesting

Anyone can plan a baby shower, but making that baby shower interesting and fun is another challenge altogether. I didn't used to worry too much about creating events that really caught people's attention, but after I started focusing on event planning, it became clear to me that I had some work to do. I found a great company that offered rental items, and they came to my aid to make things better. It was really neat to explore the things they could help with, and I found myself renting things that would be real party pleasers. Check out this post for tips on making baby showers interesting.


Clear Event Tent Styles And Decorating Ideas

24 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A tent that contains clear vinyl panels will support the use of outdoor features as part of the ambiance your guests will enjoy during your next event. Choose the amount of coverage desired and some complementary decor that will help your guests feel as if they are unconfined during the social gathering. The Amount Of Coverage Pole and frame tents are often used during large group events. The incline of a peaked ceiling will be dependent upon the tent style as well as its overall size. Read More …

Options For Outdoor Bar Mitzvahs With An Earth-Friendly Theme

22 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There are several aspects that go into planning a Bar Mitzvah. This is especially true if the event will be held outdoors. One of the themes that is popular for outdoor events like this is to go with an Earth-friendly atmosphere. Here are a few options for Earth-friendly seating that party seating rentals and event seating rentals may be able to provide for the Bar Mitzvah. Bamboo Seating The misconception of bamboo is that it is a tree. Read More …

Trying To Plan A Wedding Reception In Weeks? Call Banquet Halls And Ask These Questions

9 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

You can plan a wedding reception in a couple of months if you act fast and secure a venue for your reception. If you are in a hurry to get a banquet hall and get planning, you will want to start calling local locations and asking for dates and availability. Doing the reception on a Friday night can be an easy way to save money and get more date options to choose from on such short notice. Read More …

Getting Ready For A Wedding Event Your Daughter Will Never Forget

22 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Have you been planning your daughter's wedding since she was a little girl? Maybe it seems unbelievable that the time has come, and that she'll be marrying her sweetheart in just a few months. If you are getting ready for a wedding event and want it to be unforgettable, there are many ways to prepare through event design services. If you are now working on plans for your daughter's wedding reception, keep reading. Read More …

3 Great Tips to Remember When Attending a Health Conference

2 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you work in the medical industry, you may have to attend a health conference at some point. This type of event is helpful in terms of learning new information and networking. To get the most out of one, remember the following tips.  Make Connections Although you're probably here to learn as much as you can about a particular topic or trend in healthcare, you should still use these conferences as a way to make connections. Read More …